Hacks to learn all 60+ languages in Ling app without buying different subscriptions
At Ling, we take pride in offering an extensive array of language courses, boasting over 60 languages, each with more than 200 lessons. For polyglots and language enthusiasts eager to immerse themselves in multiple languages simultaneously, we've got some smart strategies that could significantly cut costs.
Here’s how to explore multiple languages in Ling without purchasing separate subscriptions:
- Access the Full Language List: Launch the Ling app and click on the circular flag icon at the top left corner.
- Find Your Desired Language: A comprehensive language list will appear. You can swiftly locate a language by entering relevant keywords in the search bar or by scrolling through the list.
- Download and Dive In: Select the language of your choice to download it and start learning immediately.

Language Learning Best Practices:
- Consistency Is Key: Regular practice, even in short sessions, can enhance retention and fluency.
- Engage with the Content: Interact with lessons and use the review feature to reinforce your learning.
- Speak and Repeat: Utilize Ling’s speaking lessons to perfect pronunciation and boost confidence.
For more information on how to change the native language and the target language in Ling, you can read
here!If you have any questions or face any issues with the app, you can contact
support@ling-app.com. We'll get back to you within 24 hours!
At Ling, we want to unite the world by connecting people from different cultures.
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