How to Cancel Your Ling Subscription and Request a Refund

How to Cancel Your Ling Subscription and Request a Refund

We understand that you might need to cancel your Ling subscription and possibly request a refund. The process for this varies depending on whether you subscribed through the App Store (for iOS devices) or Google Play/Ling web (for Android devices or our website).

If You Subscribed Through the App Store:

We’re unable to directly cancel your subscription or provide a refund. You’ll need to contact Apple directly. They can be reached using the information on the receipt emailed to you when you subscribed. You can follow the steps here.

If Apple approves your refund request, the money will be returned to your original payment method. Here’s how long it might take for the refund to appear:
  1. Store credit: Up to 48 hours
  2. Mobile phone billing: Up to 60 days (this can vary based on your carrier)
  3. All other payment methods: Up to 30 days
If you don’t see your refund within these time frames, please contact your bank.

If You Subscribed Through Google Play or Ling web:

We can provide a full refund if you contact us within 30 days of your payment date. To request a refund, please email us at with:
  1. The email you used to subscribe to Ling
  2. The email of your Ling account
For Google Play, you can check here to see how long it might take for the refund to appear, depending on your payment method. For Ling web, it usually takes about 5-10 business days, depending on your bank.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or issues with the app, please email us at We’ll respond within 24 hours!

Please note that the links marked in this article are important and they will guide you through the necessary steps. Let us know if you need any further assistance!

At Ling, we want to unite the world by connecting people from different cultures. We’re here to support you on your language learning journey!
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